Unique Seollal Lunar New Year in Solo City

by - Februari 20, 2018

Every year when you visit to Surakarta, better known as Solo-in Central Java, Indonesia, celebrated the Seollal Lunar New Year as the Grebeg Sudiro celebration. In 2018, Grebeg Sudiro held from Feb. 8th to Feb. 15th, 2018 around traditional marPasar Gedhe or Pecinan Solo. The area will be lit up with hundreds of lanterns, lion dances and dragons will be lined up along the streets accompanied by clash of cymbals and sweat, people with colorful Chinese and Javanese traditional costumes parade, while the contemporary royal dance from the palace or palace of Sultan Solo and Mangkunegaran royal house will perform along Sudiroprajan street. 

The parade finished at Tien Kok Sie Temple in front of Pasar Gedhe or Pasar Agung

After following the Javanese tradition, a large mountain called gunungan will be carried around, composed of thousands of Lunar New Year cakes, called pillow cakes. The mountains will be flown and carried by people around the Sudiroprajan road, followed by Chinese and Javanese performances. The highlight of the parade was the lighting of the large lantern at the main gate of Pasar Gedhe in the form of a pitcher, immediately accompanied by a spate of thousands of lanterns in Pecinan Solo.
Gunungan, composed pillow cakes for Lunar New Year
There was 5,000 lanterns installed in Pasar Gedhe area

The celebration of Grebeg Sudiro in Lunar New Year has a ritual meaning of thanksgiving to God and nature. The Sudiroprajan area is located in Jebres district in Solo city, where the Chinese and the mixed descendants have settled and lived harmony with the native Javanese community. For centuries their cultural traditions have converged and mixed marriages become commonplace as in the united celebration of the Seollal Lunar New Year called Grebeg Sudiro

see you!

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