[REVIEW] Mediheal N.M.F Aquaring Ampoule Mask EX.

by - Juli 13, 2018

Holla~ It's been a long time to write again..

I've got a prize from @tankifamily.official of LDF instagram event 'Dance Dance with Cooni'💋 Yep, this is one of the mask products used by BTS for its beauty secret even they endorse for other type but no probs! kkk

Description : Mediheal N.M.F Aquaring Ampoule Mask has water system of Natural Moisture Factor that helps providing abundant moisture to your skin. The thirst of dry skin is resolved through active water systems such as Hyaluronic acid, Ceramide, and more excelling in the N.M.F. It exists in the horny layer of the skin as well as the moisturizing effect while LS 8865, Witch Hazel, and more that have the effect of managing loosened pores by adjusting sebum and tightening pores.

Ingredients : N.M.F, Hyaluronic Acid, LS8865, etc.  

How to use : Wash your face cleanly then spread the mask on your face. Apply it by spreading with your fingers. The highly concentrated ingredients will begin to be absorbed immediately upon application so leave it for 20~30 minutes on your face. After removing the mask, massage the leftover ingredients into your face. 

Pros : Omg guys! My skin type sensitive, I like this varian because it says tightening loosen pores and regulates sebum. This mask is Super Duper My Favorite! It really tightens my loosen pores and moistures my skin well. It's perfect! I like my skin after used it at night before sleep :)

Cons: This price is highest among other Korean brands I used. I found in amazon its about $14,10 for 1 pack and $2.28 for 1 piece but it's worth it! Since I've got the benefits. Perhaps I'll buy it if I've save my money later :D

see you next post ^^

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